
在一个灾难事件变得越来越普遍的世界里, we regularly see the destruction of terrestrial infrastructure or the overload of 移动 communications systems. 这就是Viasat脱颖而出的时候. 我们提供可靠的, 可互操作的卫星通信,以满足第一响应者对指挥的需求, 控制和协调现场操作人员, 地面网络是否可用.

我们的卫星在36公里处安全脱离危险,000 kilometres up in space 和 with dynamic beam allocation we are able to focus our capacity where 和 when it is needed most. 当你真正需要他们的时候,沟通可以确定. 


灾害有多种形式,无论是人为的还是自然的. 石油 Spills, structural collapses, explosions, wildfires, earthquakes, floods, to name a few. 不管发生什么灾难, 他们对生活和社区有巨大的影响, 这对当地的反应小组来说是极具挑战性的.

在处理危机时, 紧急服务 personnel underst和 the need for timely 和 accurate exchanges of information. One of the critical elements of preparing 和 managing the strategy for when disasters strike is the establishment of secure communications around the site to aid 和 coordinate the emergency response teams locally as well as the communication between local 和 remote personnel. 

Satellite communications play a key role in any emergency management scenario as they are largely unaffected by conditions on the ground. Viasat提供可靠, 可互操作的卫星通信第一响应者需要指挥, 控制和协调现场操作人员, 地面网络是否可用. 


Viasat’s suite of voice 和 high-speed data emergency response communications systems are transforming the disaster response operational l和scape, 提供无缝的, 移动, 全球覆盖:

  • 我们的健壮,快速部署 BGAN, FleetBroadb和SwiftBroadb和 终端在陆地、海上和空中提供可靠的宽带服务.
  • 随后建立了语音通信链路, 来自地面控制的数据需求往往变得越来越苛刻. 全球Xpress 允许更高的数据速率,以确保操作的便利性和成功. 
  • BGAN PTT is the perfect solution for delivering communications on the move (COTM) to first responder vehicles. 通过接入BGAN数据网络提供卫星语音服务, 每个舱室都有态势感知系统, at the push of a button – regardless of how local communications infrastructure has been affected by the emergency condition. 
  • If you need Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) communication using existing UHF or VHF radios with no modifications needed, 这就是我们的 L-TAC 服务, 当与光谱弹弓贴花一起使用时, 为我们的l波段ELERA卫星提供了一跳连接, acting as your radio repeater in space 和 negating any need to request scarce TACSAT resources.
  • 我们的 IsatPhone 2 手持卫星电话提供了清晰的信号, dependable voice 服务 anywhere on the planet – no matter how remote – 和 has proven a lifeline for survivors in the aftermath of major disasters.  


Satellites in lower orbits typically include those used for climate observations 和 disaster relief efforts, 以及许多其他的应用程序. 传统上, these satellites have had to wait until they come back into range of a ground station before being able to receive tasking information 和 transmit telemetry 和 valuable collected data. 

Viasat和Addvalue的卫星间数据中继系统(IDRS)服务, 将近地轨道卫星连接到我们的ELERA网络, 使它们能够持续与地面保持联系, 根据需要实时接收和传输数据. 

The new data link reduces waiting times for such data transfers from several hours to a h和ful of minutes. This can enhance lifesaving efforts when disaster strikes or enable observers to spot issues 和 direct resources to tackle them before they develop or get out of h和. 

Adequate prevention 和 preparations strategies employed across government areas prior to disasters play a significant role in the ability to conduct efficient 和 effective response activities when catastrophes occur. 


Adequate prevention 和 preparations strategies employed across government areas prior to disasters play a significant role in the ability to conduct efficient 和 effective response activities when catastrophes occur.


Mitigation 和 prevention efforts are now seen as having a crucial part in not only preventing disasters, 而且还可以防止由于忽视可管理的风险而加剧影响. 越来越多地, government agencies are seeking to take actions that can lessen the severity of a disaster’s 影响. 

Actions taken by some countries include the installation 和 strengthening of the prediction 和 warning systems, 以及偏远地区的环境监测. 这可以在自然灾害可能发生时提供至关重要的预警, enabling emergency response agencies to alert the local population 和 deploy disaster relief aid where 和 when necessary. 


Planning for a coordinated response is crucial for an efficient 和 timely reaction when disasters strike. 可扩展战略的一个基本组成部分, operational 和 tactical approach to catastrophes is the assurance of accessing a 可靠的 communications link from ground zero. 

Situational awareness of conditions on the ground 和 effective communications strategies are some of the main measures in the planning phase. Enabling agencies swift access 和 contact with locality of the event to gather intelligence. 


In the immediate aftermath of a disaster comes the response phase when the activation of operations centres, 紧急服务, 协调搜救工作, 为挽救生命,部署了撤离和医疗服务, 保护特性, 安全的不安全区域, reduce economic 和 intellectual losses 和 support the local population as well as the disaster response teams.
